Urinalysis and Culture:
Indications for a urinalysis and culture include but are not limited to:
- inappropriate urination
- suspect urinary tract infection
- straining
- blood seen in urine
- pets with increased water consumption and increased urination
- pets known to have diseases that predispose to urinary tract infections such as diabetes and Cushings
- used to monitor kidney function along with appropriate blood screening tests
- also used to monitor patients with a history of urinary crystals or stones
- recommended as part of yearly adult and senior screening
- Sterile sample (obtained by cystocentesis) is sent to Idexx laboratories
- Urinalysis results availabe the next day, cultue takes several days for growth (if any )
- What is the difference between a urinalysis and a culture?
- How important is the urine culture?
- What is a cystocentesis?
- Why is it recommended that the urine sample be sterile?