Appointments & Scheduling

Brown Veterinary Housecalls

Mesa, AZ 85205


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Appointments & Scheduling 

dog photo

All Housecall Patients are seen by gray calendar iconscheduled appointment during regular business hours based on location & doctor availability

heart iconanimal iconheart icon

Golden with sign icon scheduling

gold paw icon In Home Euthanasia requests are scheduled as the last appointment of the day. Currently available for active patients only

gold horse shoe iconThis is not a concierge or emergency service

horse and owner

Housecall Availability changes frequently due to the logistics of scheduling a mobile practice

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Golden with sign icon availabilitygold paw icon In order to provide the best patient care possible and to ensure the safety of Dr. Brown and her assistant, Dr. Browns soonest available appointment(s) details are reserved for active patients & pre-approved new client requests with authorized paid deposits only

gold horse shoe icon Booking delays may occur for rescheduling requests based on location as Dr. Brown travels to multiple cities & her schedule tends to book 1 to 3 months in advance 

gold paw icon This is not a concierge or emergency service

dogs playing photo 

Active Clients receive priority scheduling gray calendar icon and may request appointments for Active Patients

heart iconanimal iconheart icon

Golden with icon active patientsgold paw icon Active patients will always be offered the first available appointment for their area. If feasible, urgent care options will be offered pending patient needs, location & doctor availability-additional fees apply.

gold horse shoe icon Dr. Brown is currently scheduling active patients (for all three branches of practice) on Tues, Wed or Thurs afternoon/early evenings only

gold paw icon Virtual office hours for TeLeVET Time is available on Fridays only

gold horse shoe icon This is not a concierge or emergency service

cats in window

ALL New Client Requests are processed on this site via online forms & follow up  email communication

acupuncture iconyin yang iconstethoscope icon

Golden with sign icon New Clientsgold paw iconIf upon review of required information submitted for New Client requests (step one-online form and step two-medical records) that a pet requires care sooner than Dr. Brown is able to provide, the required deposit (step three- for approved requests only) will not be requested to pursue scheduling (step four).

gold horse shoe icon Dr. Brown is currently booking APPROVED new client requests on Tues or Wed afternoon or early evenings

gold paw icon This is not a concierge or emergency service

dogs playing

For Safety Purposes, Dr. Brown does not accept pets with a history of Aggression or in need of Sedation for handling

Freaking cat

Golden with sign icon safetygold paw icon Probationary acceptance consideration for pets with temperament concerns may be considered on a case by case basis pending both request and records review-restrictions & additional fees apply.  Dr. Brown reserves the right to refuse service at her discretion at any time

dogs by door

Prospective Clients that still have grey question mark icon questions after reviewing Dr. Browns detailed websites may submit a Pre Appointment Special Correspondence Request form (complimentary & fee based options available)


For Direct Correspondence with Dr. Brown AFTER your pets of in-person appointments, please submit a Patient Update & Progress Form within two weeks of your appointment date for a complimentary email follow up & to keep Dr. Brown updated (info only) or utilize TeLeVET Time Services if greater two weeks post appointment date

Golden with sign televetgold paw icon In person appointments do not include unlimited correspondence with Dr. Brown

gold paw icon TeLeVET Fees & restrictions apply


For Local Emergency Information & helpful resources please click icon emergency icon 

Golden with sign icon emergencygold paw icon This is not a concierge, same day, urgent care, triage, emergency response or emergency service

gold horse shoe icon Please keep your labwork result emails for future reference to show ER doctors in real time if needed as medical records are not available on demand due to the nature of this practice